Want a sneak peek at VEGAS GIRLS?

    In addition to advance material out of Book 2 of The Queenpin Chronicles, you're also signing up for my twice-monthly newsletter, Ill-Behaved Womenstories making history now—because you know what they say about well-behaved women.

    Know this—we hate spam too and we will never sell your email. Opt out any time.


    Yes! As a grandma with 27 years sober, I’m claiming this title as a lover of good story, and as someone who knows the healing power of a tale well told. Besides, history is already littered with the untold stories of women.

    Ill-Behaved Women, my newsletter, bridges the writing I’ve done in my books and essays to bring you entertaining stories making history now.

    I’ll also offer storytelling craft tips as well as book, TV and movie recommendations, and chats with other ill-behaved women.

    Paid subscribers will get access to my quarterly workshops, as well as the archive of replays.

    Get clear in the New Year. Click to get the instructions and download.

    Get With Ill-Behaved Women!

    A newsletter & community where my goal is to spark discussion around the history we’re making now, so-called cultural “norms,” and how we got here. I get into people and books and films working against type, too.

      We won't send you spam. Unsubscribe at any time.

      Wanna tell your story?

      Whether something is holding you back or you want to come up with some fresh material,

      I have a roadmap that can help. And it’s free.

      who am I?

      I’m a story coach, an award-winning screenwriter and author whose life and work as an expat in Asia became the basis of two memoirs, including the just-released, Blissful Thinking and American Lady Creature.

      A syndicated columnist, essayist and culture writer, my work has appeared everywhere from the Wasthington Post to The Rumpus.

      I’m also a live, on-air guest host for the Home Shopping Network, and run a monthly storytelling show. 

      Let’s craft your

      next story!

      I love helping other writers and storytellers hone their stories, whether to present in writing, in person, or on TV. Work 1-on-1 with me by clicking here

      I’m also the creator of the Substack Ill-Behaved Women. Click the image for more.

      The pic is me signing books before my launch at the fabulous Tombolo Books in St. Pete, Florida.